5-Day “MBA” Business Leadership and Management Workshop in NYC

5-Day “MBA” Business Leadership and Management Workshop in NYC


Arm yourself with 10 vital business skills you need to make sound business decisions.

Fast track to advance your knowledge base, make more informed decisions, develop successful strategies, and achieve your personal and organizational goals.

No matter where in the world you are doing business, how you do business is changing fast. Competition is more fierce than ever. How well you can grasp and handle data, reduce risks, and manage people, processes and new technology is being tested daily. You are also expected to innovate, strategize and lead with success.

In this one-of-a-kind program, you’ll explore these vital skills and behaviors, guided by leading business experts, and practice applying them in an intensive business simulation. Each new skill you explore will inform and support every other skill. Working alongside peers from a variety of industries, you’ll develop the leadership skills you need to apply these behaviors on the job. This hands-on, 5-day immersive course, filled with exercises and insightful videos, offers you the unique opportunity to experience what every business must do — cut costs, increase revenue and mitigate risks — with a holistic, game-changing approach that can have a lasting positive impact not only on your career, but you entire future.

This program also offers the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that are among the most in-demand for business today. This accelerated presentation surveys the core curriculum covered in most university level graduate business programs. Taught by a team of expert faculty specializing in accounting, finance, strategy, marketing and management, you will gain a strong overall business foundation. You’ll discover how various components of a business must be linked, aligned and integrated into a successful business system so you can achieve short- and long-term objectives.

While this seminar is no substitute for a two-year MBA degree, it will equip you with the ability to identify the most effective business tools and strategies to help you—and your company—keep and hone your competitive edge.

 Program Benefits

  • Know your numbers to make sounder business decisions fast.
  • Communicate and collaborate more effectively with your team, management and other stakeholders.
  • Improve the way you manage people, processes and risks to drive projects and create value for your organization.
  • Enhance creatively and innovation in your team to develop new solutions to old problems and respond to changing customer expectations.
  • Apply what you learn in a guided simulation with fellow course participants.
  • Sharpen your leadership skills with actionable tips and tools.
  • Discover how all components of a business fit together
  • Interpret financial statements and accurately assess the financial health of a business
  • Know financial jargon so you can speak the language of accountants and financial executives
  • Assess the financial health or potential stress of a business and perform financial ratio analysis
  • Weigh the viability of capital expenditures and determine break-even
  • Understand the economy and its impact on your business
  • Develop a business strategy that can sustain your competitive position
  • Speak the language of business and communicate effectively to any audience level in any situation
  • Develop your leadership skills to effectively lead your team
  • Become familiar with the guidelines for introducing and managing organizational change
  • Learn the 5 Ps of marketing, how to position a products, the differences between features and benefits
  • Engage in self-discovery through a DiSC assessment
  • Develop a winning team and organization
  • Establish a network of business contacts

Topics Covered

Accounting: Review and Analyze

  • Understanding basic accounting concepts and their relevance to the financial reporting
  • Financial statements: income statement, balance sheet, retained earnings statement, cash flow statements
  • The accounting process and annual report
  • How to evaluate financial statements: understanding nonfinancial considerations, liquidity, leverage and profitability

Finance and Economics: Invest and Grow

  • Performance measures and key indicators: Return on Net Assets (RONA); Economic Profit (EP), Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
  • How to improve business unite operating performance
  • Exploring the financing alternatives available to businesses: financing the business leveraging, short-and long-term financing alternatives, equity financing
  • Evaluating capital projects to determine if they are practical and desirable from a financial perspective

Cost Analysis and Profit Planning

  • Fixed, variable and semi-variable costs
  • Break-even analysis and contribution margins
  • Cost allocations and reduce inefficiencies

Capital Expenditures: Problem Solve

  • Types of capital expenditure decision
  • Calculate Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Profitability Index (PI)
  • Estimating project’s cash inflows and outflows

Number Crunch

  • Analyze the numbers to gauge your organization’s financial health
  • Apply finance skills to lead sound business decisions

Corporate Strategy: Strategize

  • Use ADEPTT model to analyze the current state of your business and define goals
  • What is strategy? Understanding relationship between vision, mission and strategy
  • Understanding basic concept and the importance of developing a competitive strategy
  • Engage stakeholders for positive results.
  • Successfully deploying and communicating your strategy within your company
  • Strategy formulation—the SWOT approach
  • Conceptual model for strategy development: cost leadership, differentiation and cost focus strategy
  • Analysis phase of the strategy development: examining competitive advantage, predicting future trends, evaluating competitive position
  • Plan and execute strategy
  • The creation and selection process: generate strategy alternatives
  • How to use quantitative analysis to screen, evaluate and select strategies.
  • Troubleshoot and track results of strategy execution

Marketing: Market and Launch

  • Learn skills and tools to introduce new products in today’s marketplace
  • Apply skills to effectively market in today’s social media marketing-driven economy
  • Guiding principles for effective marketing: learn the role of marketing and the marketing perspective
  • The marketing mix and application: discovering the 5 Ps of marketing: positioning, product/service, pricing, placement/distribution channels and promotion, and their importance to business success
  • Product and market development
  • Commoditization and product innovation

Manage: Management and Leadership

  • Learn how to manage multigenerational and virtual teams
  • Utilize proven project management methodologies
  • Apply technology to increase daily productivity
  • The basic functions of management: understand the principal roles of a manager and the basic functions of management


  • Learn to make tough decisions and inspire and lead your team with behaviors developed in a powerful business simulation
  • Leadership: leading employees toward organizational goals
  • Analyzing and understanding leadership styles for use in day-to-day applications
  • How to motivate, increase moral and enhance productivity
  • Applying different approaches to motivation for back-on-the-job situations
  • Being a team leader and building effective teams
  • How to manage organizational change: taking steps to institute more durable organizational changes
  • Performance management and conducting effective performance reviews
  • The 7S Model: align skills, shared values, staff and other factors to support your organizational strategy and change


  • Collaborate and communicate more effectively with colleagues
  • Learn skills for managing conflict
  • Present and write with greater clarity and impact

Create and Innovate

  • Commit to doing things differently with your team and generate out-of-the-box ideas
  • Anticipate customer needs and create new solutions to respond to them

Who Should Attend

Anyone interested in obtaining an effective, broad-based overview of the functional areas addressed in university-level MBA programs.

Note: This workshop does not award a degree.

Classroom Schedule: TBD

Recommended CPE Credit: 33 hours/intermediate

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

Delivery Method: Group Live, face-to-face

Field of Study: Business Management and Organization, Marketing, Management, Advisory Services, Finance

Course Fees: $8,995 USD

The fee covers:

  • Economy Class Return ticket
  • Accommodation
  • Tuition, Course Materials
  • Certificate
  • Catering during classroom program hours
  • Transportation to and from classroom venue during classroom program hours
  • Educational-Tourism

Applying for the Workshop Program:

To apply for participation, it is recommended that all applications be received at least two months before program start date.

Programs often fill to capacity and so early registration is strongly encouraged.

Early payment of course fee is essential to facilitate the release of invitation letters and other documents for visa processing. Please note that it takes an average of 3 weeks to process visa.

Reservation is confirmed only on payment of course fee. Our standard policy is to receive all course payments 8 weeks before the commencement of training for participants that need visa, and 4 weeks for those that do not need visa.

Training package includes workbooks; reference materials; Airport pick-up; assisting with hotel bookings and transportation to training venue, workshop materials as well as group breakfast & Lunch.

Participants arranging for their own air travel to/from, will receive a discount of $700 from the program fee of $8,995.00. Also, Participants who arrange for their accommodations get a $500  discount from the program fee of $8,995.00

Dates, 2017 Schedule: Jan 30 – Feb 3; Mar 27 – Mar 31; May 1 – May 5; June 19 – June 23; Aug 21 – Aug 25;  Oct.9 – Oct 12.

Venue: Manhattan, New York City, U.S.A

Transfer, Cancellation and Refund Policy

You may transfer to a future session, send someone to take your place or cancel without penalty at any time up to 4 weeks prior to your program. If you provide HGBSE with less than 4 weeks’ notice or fail to attend, you will be liable for the entire program fee.

We appreciate that this is an important investment for you and would like to accommodate your needs the best we can. Therefore, please call + 646-405-5252 or email hurittnyc@hurittglobal-edu.com 

Call 0814-939-3435 for payment and registration information.

Please note: Registration fees and workshop schedules are subject to change without notice. Download information document pdf 

Call us at 0814-939-3435 for payment and registration information.